Cynthia's Publications

Cynthia's Bergsbaken publications:

  • The Adventures of Toby the Ground Squirrel video series.

A children's story series that helps the child to become educated about: emotions, death, bullying, and nature.

 Story 1 is based off a real-life story Cynthia experienced.

Story 2 is based off of Cynthia's experiences and the understanding of bullies.

Story 3 is based off of Cynthia's childhood enjoyments of "little people."

While Story 4  was written right after Cynthia's father had passed over. Cynthia wanted to help little children to be aware of the natural process of death. Death is not the end. It's just the beginning.

Most of the photography in the videos are nature photography photos taken in Watertown, South Dakota, USA. Some of the nature photos will have some graphic arts aspects added to the picture, providing a more in-depth and more cartoonish feel to the story. 

Each video has a mixture of real-life pictures and cartoon-type pictures.                                 

Each story was created, written, photographed, edited, and voice-overs by Cynthia Bergsbaken. 

Each story/video is told to the children by the characters of the story and narrator. 

Cynthia was the voice-over actress, creating various character voices to help a child be entertained, while learning. Cynthia learned to create character voices while growing-up in her family. 

Each video is about 9-10 minutes long. Watch all three of the videos.

This series was created for ages 3-10. But my 87-year-old Mom told me she really enjoyed watching these stories. And so, this video series is for 3-110 years of age.

Cynthia created these stories to entertain children during the summer months. But any season, the stories will be well accepted.

There are 4 chapters at this time of writing this.

  1. The Adventures of Toby ; Chapter 1, Toby and the Flowerpot
  2. The Adventures of Toby the Ground Squirrel/ Chapter 2 Toby and the Bully
  3. The Adventures of Toby the Ground Squirrel, Story 3, "Toby and the Happy Countryside"
  4. The Adventures of Toby the Ground Squirrel, Story 4, "Toby Befriends Flower"

  • Memoirs of a Spiritual Healer eBook.
Cynthia wrote, edited, photographed, and created this eBook 1 to help others with their whole health. The eBook is packed with Nature photography, graphic art work, and positive words of comfort, healing, and inspiration.
Cynthia gathered some of her Reiki in the Prairie LLC blog articles to create these stories.
This book is sold on Google Play Books and Amazon. Find links on the Home page of this blog.

  • Cynthia Bergsbaken Arts is a blog that consists of articles about: Food, Whole Health, Jewelry & Health, Traveling tips, Crystals and Health, and more. Cynthia has designed, created, and sold her jewelry also this site. Cynthia's nature photography was also sold here and still is available if asked.

  • Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a blog that consists of articles about Whole Health and Reiki. The articles are based on Cynthia Bergsbaken's experiences, whether from Reiki or from life. This blog was originally created to help Cynthia's Reiki clients. But Cynthia retired from being a Professional Reiki practitioner. And so, this blog was opened up to the public. Today, Cynthia still writes in this blog and on Instagram Reik in the Prairie LLC posts. Cynthia uses her nature photography, graphic arts, knowledge, and desire to help others through this site. 

If you have any questions in regards to Cynthia's publicatons, please use the Contact form on the Home page of this blog.
Thank you, 
 Cynthia Bergsbaken

***All original content is copyrighted by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Perceptive Blogger & Reiki in the Prairie LLC.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a legal Entity under law, 2015.

April 11, 2020

Plagiarism is a crime.  Share only by URL without changing the content!  Thank you.


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