Cynthia Bergsbaken Gallery/ Holland Park, London, England


While visiting London, England in Sept. 2024, my husband and I had the luck of visiting some of the most beautiful parks we've ever been in. My husband has said, the parks were his favorite places.

Holland Park is a park located in London, England. I feel it is a park that consists of various gardens grouped together. My favorite was the Kyoto and Fukushima gardens. The peacefulness and beauty was hard to capture in a photo. One must visit there and sit and just "be."

Holland park was once the country estate of Sir Walter Cope, built in 1605.

Enjoy some of my highlights!

Kyoto Gardens, Holland Park, England. Sept. 2024.


Kyoto Gardens, Holland Park, England. Sept. 2024.

Kyoto Gardens, Holland Park, England. Sept. 2024.

Kyoto Garden, Holland Park, England. Sept. 2024.

Fukushima Garden, Holland Park, England. Sept. 2024.
Fukushima Garden was built in 2012, celebrating the support the British people gave to the Japanese people after the March 11, 2011 tsunami. This garden gives the feeling of emptiness that had been left behind by the tsunami. Open space.

Holland Park, England, Sept. 2024.

Holland Park, England, Sept. 2024.

Holland Park, England, Sept. 2024.

Holland Park, England, Sept. 2024.

Holland Park, England, Sept. 2024.

Holland House, a country estate, orignated in 1605 & owned by Sir Walter Cope.
 Holland House was bombed in World War II leaving the East wing and the ground floor facade standing.
Today, the front of this country estate is being reconstructed. The land that belonged to the Holland House estate is now known as Holland Park, incorporating the Holland House. 

***All original content is copyrighted by Cynthia Bergsbaken, Perceptive Blogger & Reiki in the Prairie LLC.

Reiki in the Prairie LLC is a legal Entity under law, 2015.

April 11, 2020

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